After meeting with Sherry lassister at FAB10 conference Barcelona, I came to know about Fab ed program run by by Fab foundation and being part of Vigyan Ashram I know about learning while doing. I have been inspired by  of Dr. S.S Kalbag sir for development of rural technology. So I have start working on with school to teach  most modern techniques and this will spur development from the grass-roots and ultimately, propel India into the new age.

Here I am sharing something I start with rural school students which really have creativity, potential, ideas but no platform to showcase.. So with support of Vigyan Ashram we decided to give them what they want to see with ‘No limits.. No Barriers’

So I hope you will enjoy this exciting journey.


To introduce Digital fabrication in schools, first time we have conducted workshop at IIT Powai , Mumbai in October 2015. Here we have selected 4 schools near Vigyan Ashram Pabal area and spend 1 week at IITB (TCTD Center FAB LAB) with there school instructors too. Everyone was enjoyed this workshop and did exciting thing as well. Most happening thing was all they learn design software within 2days and started use of machine by own in week (many time we use lab till late night, thank you to IITB team for support)

2015-10-05 09.32.24

Here students design and make almost girls made design of various jewellery item nicely and boys did some Hand band, colour pallet or lightning tower kind of things on 3D printer.

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For FAB Ed Oct 2015 detailed report FAB Education at IITB. This is what we did is very initial level and hoping for progress in further but ‘yes basically its start from our side.’
